National Resources about Disability
You might notice that our website looks different. The CDHW National Resource Center, in its previous format with search functionality, is no longer supported due to the conclusion of the IDEAL RRTC grant (NIDILRR Grant #90RTHF0001). The information that was developed for and supported by this grant have been transferred to other Centers – including National Academic Recognition Information Centre and The Christopher and Dana Reeve National Paralysis Resource Center.
National Resources about Disability
To assist you in finding organizations and resources for those with a disability, we recommend the following:
Call 211
This United Way service is available 24/7/365. They can help you locate local resources and services in your area.
For more information, call 211 or visit United Way 211.

Centers for Independent Living (CILs)
These consumer-driven, nonprofit organizations support community living and independence for people with disabilities. Each state has a network of CILs.
If you reside outside Michigan, replace “MI” with your state’s postal code (e.g., “OH” for Ohio) in the web address and press “Enter” to view the CILs in your state.
You can then search by city or county to locate a CIL in your area. If no CIL is available in your county, contact a nearby CIL for guidance on finding resources in your region.

Contact Your Local Area Agency on Aging
These agencies focus on the needs of older adults. You can find information and assistance through the Eldercare Locator, a service provided by the U.S. Administration on Aging.
- Phone: 1-800-677-1116 (Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Time)
- Live Chat: Start an Online Chat (Scroll down to “Have a Question?” and select “Start an Online Chat.”).

Government Disability Website
Disability services | USAGov provides in information for people with disabilities and their families, including what disability benefits are available while working, getting paid as a caregiver, and finding jobs.