Find programs and resources in your area to support healthy aging with a disability

East Texas AAA

The AAA of East Texas serves as the region’s leader in advocating and providing a variety of services designed to assist older individuals in living independent, meaningful, and dignified lives in their own home and communities as long as possible.

Deep East Texas AAA

The DETCOG Area Aging on Aging (AAA) provides services and funding to enable older citizens to live dignified, independent and productive lives.

Brazos Valley AAA

The mission of the Brazos Valley Area Agency on Aging (BVAAA) is to be a visible advocate and leader in the planning, development and implementation of a system of comprehensive and coordinated services, which promote dignity, independence and quality of life for...

Southeast/Deep East Texas ADRC

The DETCOG Area Aging on Aging (AAA) provides services and funding to enable older citizens to live dignified, independent and productive lives.

Heart of Texas Council of Governments

The Heart of Texas ADRC serves older individuals, individuals of any age with disabilities, family caregivers, veterans, families with children with special needs, and other individuals planning for future long-term care services