An Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is a public or nonprofit private agency that helps older Arizonans. AAAs are chosen by the State to plan and coordinate services at the local level and advocate for older adults
Not-for-profit organization that provides assisted living, post-acute rehab, long-term care and memory support.
As an area agency on aging, SARCOA works to bring together funding sources and service providers to deliver services that assist senior citizens and disabled individuals, helping them maintain their dignity, independence and quality of life.
The Heart of Texas ADRC serves older individuals, individuals of any age with disabilities, family caregivers, veterans, families with children with special needs, and other individuals planning for future long-term care services
Disability Rights Arkansas (DRA) is the independent, private, nonprofit organization designated by the Governor of Arkansas to implement the federally funded and authorized Protection and Advocacy systems throughout the state.