Find programs and resources in your area to support healthy aging with a disability

Mystic Valley Elder Services, Inc.

Support the right of older adults and adults living with disabilities to live independently and with dignity in a setting of their own choice, by providing information, advice, and access to quality resources and services.

North Shore Elder Services

Serve the functional needs of older adults residing on the North Shore of Massachusetts by providing support, information, and services to them and their families.

SeniorCare, Inc.

Provides and coordinates services to elders and others, enabling them to live independently at home or in a setting of their choice while remaining part of their community.

HESSCO Elder Services

Help older adults and individuals living with a disability remain safe and independent at home for as long as possible.

Minuteman Senior Services

Helping older and disabled adults age with independence and dignity in the setting of their choice which is most often their own homes and communities.