Find programs and resources in your area to support healthy aging with a disability

Central Alabama Aging Consrtium, AAA

CENTRAL ALABAMA AGING CONSORTIUM (CAAC) is a part of a state-wide aging network that provides a variety of Home and Community based services to the region’s senior and disabled populations and their caregivers.

Area Agency on Aging of West Alabama

AAA that assesses the needs of older persons in the seven-county region in West Alabama, distributes funds for the provision of services to older adults, helps agencies and local governments plan services for older persons, and provides information about available...

Middle Alabama AAA

Mission is to hlep all individuals access information, assistance, and resources that will empower them to self-advocate, live independently, and enjoy the highest quality of life.

East Texas AAA

The AAA of East Texas serves as the region’s leader in advocating and providing a variety of services designed to assist older individuals in living independent, meaningful, and dignified lives in their own home and communities as long as possible.

Harris County AAA

The Harris County Area Agency on Aging is part of a nationwide network of agencies coordinating supporting services for adults 60 years or older and their caregivers.