ServiceSource is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to facilitate services, resources and partnerships to support people with disabilities and others we serve, along with their families, their caregivers and community members, in order to build more inclusive communities.
- Assistive Technology
- Employment
- Housing
- Independent Living & Support Services
- Legal/Financial & Advocacy
Provided services
10467 White Granite Drive- Assistive Technology
- Autism Services
- Benefits Counseling
- Career center
- Employment
- Employment Supports
- Family Support Services
- Financial Counseling and Assistance
- Housing
- Interpreting and deaf services
- Job Placement
- Long-term community integration programs
- Opportunity Calls
- Senior services
- Vocational Evaluation and Placement
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Vocational Training
- Warrior Bridge - Veterans Services
- Youth transition services
Oakton, Virginia 22124
Phone: 703-461-6000
Counties served: Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland & Colorado
National? Yes
Last Verified Date: 6/29/2021