Find programs and resources in your area to support healthy aging with a disability

Shirley Ryan Ability Lab

The Shirley Ryan Ability Lab is committed to helping those with physical disabilities requiring a wheelchair live in a more accessible home.


Will2Walk Foundation is an organization that promotes staying active, fit and independent after a spinal cord injury. Through their scholarship program, they provide funding for items and services such as fitness memberships, team dues, everyday living supplies, work...

Office of Developmental Programs

The Office of Developmental Programs oversees the administration of the 3 waiver programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism across the state: Consolidated Waiver, Community Living Waiver, Person/Family Directed Supports Waiver.

Michigan Assistive Technology Program (MATP)

MDRC cultivates disability pride and strengthens the disability movement by recognizing disability as a natural and beautiful part of human diversity while collaborating to dismantle all forms of oppression.