Find programs and resources in your area to support healthy aging with a disability

World Institute on Disability

The mission of the World Institute on Disability (WID) in communities and nations worldwide is to eliminate barriers to full social integration and increase employment, economic security and health care for persons with disabilities.

ThinkFirst National Injury Prevention Foundation

The ThinkFirst Foundation, provides injury prevention programs nation-wide to youth and teens. Formally known as the National Head and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Program, ThinkFirst was established in 1986 to prevent traumatic injury through education, research and...

Independent Living Research Utilization

The ILRU (Independent Living Research Utilization) program is a national center for information, training, research, and technical assistance in independent living. Its goal is to expand the body of knowledge in independent living and to improve utilization of results...

The Shepherd Center

Shepherd Center, located in Atlanta, Georgia, is a private, not-for-profit hospital specializing in medical treatment, research and rehabilitation for people with spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis, spine and chronic pain, and other...