The DRCOG Aging and Disability Resources Center for Colorado (ADRC) is the place where older adults (60+) and people with disabilities (18+) can get help accessing long-term services and supports to remain independent in the community. The ADRC helps people make...
Seeks to empower and support vulnerable adults and individuals with disabilities in making informed choices regarding community-based programs and services.
The Delaware Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD) provides a broad range of services to support older persons, persons with disabilities, and caregivers. Some of these services are operated directly by DSAAPD staff.
Works to improve the lives of older adults and individuals with disabilities to help them function as independently as possible in their homes and communities.
We strive to make aging easier through the development and promotion of a network of services for older adults and persons with disabilities designed to optimize the quality of their lives.