Find programs and resources in your area to support healthy aging with a disability

The disAbility Resource Center of the Rappahannock Area, Inc.

The dRC staff works to enable people of all disabilities of all ages to live as independently as possible. We do that in a variety of ways including independent living skills training, peer mentoring, advocacy, facilitating transition from institutional care to the...


Serves people of all ages with disability and recognize their right to maintain personal control over their lives and make their own choices.

Area 10 Agency on Aging

Serve as a leader in providing resources, solutions, and connections for seniors, persons with disabilities, and family caregivers.

Area Agency on Aging Region 3

An Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is a public or nonprofit private agency that helps older Arizonans. AAAs are chosen by the State to plan and coordinate services at the local level and advocate for older adults