Find programs and resources in your area to support healthy aging with a disability

Wisconsin Judicare Inc.

Non-profit law firm dedicated to providing equal access to justice to Wisconsin residents.

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc.

SALA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public interest law firm with a mission to provide quality legal services to people who would not otherwise have equal access to justice, in ways which affirm their individual and collective dignity, integrity, and power.

Community Health Law Project – Shore Area – Toms River

Provide legal and advocacy services, training, education, and related activities to persons with disabilities and, in certain issues, to organizations representing their interests, with an emphasis on those most vulnerable and needy.

Community Health Law Project – Central Jersey – Trenton

Provide legal and advocacy services, training, education, and related activities to persons with disabilities and, in certain issues, to organizations representing their interests, with an emphasis on those most vulnerable and needy.