Committed to achieving full access to justice in civil matters for central Missourians, including men, women, children, domestic violence survivors, disabled, blind, elderly, rural, urban, of all ethnic backgrounds, lieage, and religious beliefs, who cannot afford to hire an attorney, by providing free legal services.
- Legal/Financial & Advocacy
Provided services
428 East Capitol Ave, Suite 200- Cases include: Consumer
- Domestic Violence and Family Law
- Elder Law
- Employment
- Health
- Housing
- Public Benefits
- Veterans Clinic
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
Toll Free: (888) 476-4545
TTY: (800) 735-2966
Counties served: Chariton, Randolph, Howard, Cooper, Moniteau, Miller, Cole, Boone, Audrain, Callaway, Osage
National? No
Last Verified Date: Not Yet Verified