Provide quality legal representation and advice to low-income persons that ensures equal access to justice in civil matters within the constraints of our financial resources.
- Legal/Financial & Advocacy
Provided services
313 Washington Ave- Cases include: Domestic/Sexual violence
- Community education
- Consumer
- Elder Law
- Family
- Housing
- Legal Information
- Public Benefits
West Plains, Missouri 65775
Toll Free: (800) 444-4863
Counties served: Cedar, Dade, Lawrence, Barry, Polk, Greene, Christian, Stone ,Taney, Dallas, Webster, Douglas, Ozark, Pulaski, Texas, Howell, Maries, Phelps, Dent, Shannon, Oregon, Gasconade, Crawford, Iron, Reynolds, Carter, Ripley, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, Bollinger, Cape Girandeau, Stoddard, Butler, Scott, Mississippi, New Madrip, Dunlkin, Pemiscot
National? No
Last Verified Date: 2/25/2020